* Kila Air zeolite is harmless to human, but please DO NOT eat by mistake. ** Please keep reach from infant or pet.
Suggested Retail Price HK$288
Size: W 84 mm x H 124 mm x D 69 mm
Weight: 196 g (Excluded batteries and zeolite)
Photocatalyst zeolite: 22g x 2 packs
Materials: Natural Photocatalyst coated zeolite
Battery: AA battery x 2 pcs
Tips for Battery Replacement:
Some large capacity batteries are lengthened so that positive pole (protrusion part) become shortened. When replacing new batteries, please make sure positive pole of battery can touch the terminal of device.
Can operate for 2 months after replacing new batteries (Depends on battery capacity)
Simply expose Kila Air zeolite bag to direct sunlight for around 8 hours for effective deodorize power
Repeated exposure to sunlight bi-monthly can regain power of Kila Air (Performance varies by quantity of the adsorption & intensity of sun light, etc.)
Multi-function deodorizer with sanitization power
Test pieces: Kila Air zeolite 10g
Test bacteria: Escherichia coli
Light source: Artificial sun illumination SOLAX XC-100B, 32mW/cm2 (=Annual average sunshine strength)
Experiment method: The colony count method by the immersing to 15 ml of bacterial suspension
Density adjustment liquid: Deionized Water
Testing laboratory: Hygiene & Microbiology Research Center
Experiment method: Measurement of the ammonia concentration in 200L gas bag including Kila Air by the gas detector tube
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Shun Hing Technology Co., Ltd.
This privacy policy sets out the obligations and policies of Shun Hing Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter 'SHTEC', 'the company', 'us', 'we' or 'our') under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (the 'Ordinance'). By visiting our web site, customers are deemed to agree to the policies and practices described in this privacy policy as amended from time to time at our sole discretion.
1. Purpose of Data Collection
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matters directly related thereto.
2. Use of Personal Data
Personal data of customers will be kept confidential, we will not sell customer’s personal data to any other third party, but we may provide such information to:
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the media (in relation to the handling of customer complaints and enquiries in certain circumstances);
any person who owes a duty of confidentiality to our company.
3. Direct Marketing
Subject to obtaining your consent, we intend to use your personal data including first name, last name, address, telephone number, mobile number, fax number and email for direct marketing purpose through post, email, phone, fax or SMS in relation to:
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We may transfer and disclose your personal data to such assignees or transferees as mentioned in item 2 above.
If you do not wish us to use your personal data for use in direct marketing and/or transfer your personal data as mentioned above, you may exercise your opt-out right by notifying our Personal Information Management Officer at shtec@panasonic.oa.hk with “Unsubscribe” as the email subject or send your request to the below address:
Personal Information Management Officer
Shun Hing Technology Co., Ltd.
9/F., Peninsula Centre, 67 Mody Road, Tsimshatsui East, Kowloon. Hong Kong
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6. Access and Correction of Personal Data
All personal data will be stored in our database system. Under the Ordinance, customers have the right to check whether our company holds personal data about you, the right to obtain a copy of that data and to correct any inaccurate data from us at any time. Requests for access to data or correction of data should be made in writing to:
Personal Information Management Officer
Shun Hing Technology Co., Ltd.
9/F., Peninsula Centre, 67 Mody Road, Tsimshatsui East, Kowloon. Hong Kong
In accordance with the Ordinance, we have the right to charge you a reasonable fee for the processing of any personal data access request.
If there is any inconsistency or conflict between English and Chinese version of this policy, the English version shall prevail.